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All Workshops Details 

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Reiki Level 1

Duration (Breaks Included)

1 Day, 6 to 7 Hours .

Workshop Fees 

Offline Workshop ( Will Resume Post Pandemic) 

₹ 2500/-

Zoom Workshop 

₹ 1500/-


₹ 1100/-

▷ Insight to Reiki Healing and Energy Healing.
▷ Brief History.
▷ Aura & Chakras. How to Feel, See and Measure Aura.
▷ How Reiki Healing Works.
▷ Attunement for Level 1. Exposure to Breath Meditation.
▷ 24 Position Healing for Self-Healing.
▷ 5 Reiki Principles, Gassho Meditation & Daily Self-Healing,
▷ Aura Scanning.
▷ Level 1 Reiki Healing Procedure, Aura Cleaning, Balancing, Energizing and Protection.
▷ Spiritual Practices, Meditation, Affirmations, Subconscious, Healing Instruments and Crystals Insights.
▷ Customizing practice to own suitability.

Certificates and Learning Material is provided to all participants.
➣ Handbooks and audio-video aids are provided for easy adaptation to the practice.
➣ PDF format documents will be provided in Zoom Workshops and Self-Learning.

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Reiki Level 2

Duration (Breaks Included)

1 Day, 7 to 8 Hours .

Workshop Fees 

Offline Workshop ( Will Resume Post Pandemic) 

₹ 3500/-

Zoom Workshop 

₹ 2500/-


₹ 1500/-

▷ What are Healing Symbols.
▷ How Healing Symbols Work.
▷ Three Reiki Healing Symbols, Cho-Ku-Rei, Se-Hei-Ki, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen
▷ Practice of Symbols. Rapid visualization learning is aided by YouTube video with animations of new symbols. This is special compilation made available only to Reiki Level 2 Channels of #BetterAll.
▷ Process of using Reiki Symbols.
▷ Functions of each symbol.
▷ Creative Visualization and interesting ways of using Symbols.
▷ Healing formula and standard procedure for use of symbols.
▷ Methods of Distance Healing.
▷ More on Affirmations.
▷ How to make a Wish box. How to do many healings together in Wish Box.
▷ Healing Instruments insight to Healing Lamp, Crystals, Wands etc.

Certificates and Learning Material is provided to all participants.
➣ Handbooks and audio-video aids are provided for easy adaptation to the practice.
➣ PDF format documents will be provided in Zoom Workshops and Self-Learning.
➣ 6 Private videos will be shared on YouTube for better comprehension and practice. Private videos are shared with Offline workshop participants also.

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Reiki Level 3a

Duration (Breaks Included)

Offline : 1 Day, 7 to 8 Hours.
Zoom: 2 Days, 4 to 5 Hours each day.

Workshop Fees 

Offline Workshop ( Will Resume Post Pandemic) 

₹ 8500/-

Zoom Workshop 

₹ 6500/-


₹ 4100/-

▷ Attunement for Reiki Level 3a and Additional Symbols
▷ Karmic Cleansing Methodology and Meditation.
▷ Master Symbol, Dai Ko Myo. Various methods for uses.
▷ Additional Symbols.
1. Udreka
2. Swastik (3 forms)
3. Vasudha
5. Zonar
6. Rama
7. Shamin
10. Tibetan Om
11. Infinite Love
12. Sun Fire
13. Trishakti
14. Sati (bonding procedure)
15. Sati (separation procedure)
▷ Tratak symbols chart for meditation
▷ Chakra Beej Mantra Meditation.
▷ Various uses Chakra Scanner.
▷ Muscle Testing for energy of food, water, places, people, actions and events.
▷ Diagnostics with Muscle Testing for Root Case of Issues and Finding Remedies. Energy of places, people, actions and events.
▷ Psychic Attack insight. Causes, How to Test and Deep Psychic Healing.
▷ Psychic Surgery basics and three simple methods for Psychic Surgery. Healing by Imagination & Feel
▷ How to heal with crystals. Combining Reiki, Crystals and Sound for effective healing.
▷ How to make and use a crystal grid.
▷ Multiple healings at one time with a Crystal Grid. Activation, daily healing and good energy maintenance.
▷ Insights to simple Sound Healing methods.

Certificates and Learning Material is provided to all participants.
➣ Handbooks and audio-video aids are provided for easy adaptation to the practice.
➣ PDF format documents will be provided in Zoom Workshops and Self-Learning.
➣ 9 private videos will be shared on YouTube for better comprehension and practice. Private videos are shared with Offline workshop participants also.

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Reiki Master

Duration (Breaks Included)

2 Days : 4 to 5 Hours Each day.

Workshop Fees 

Offline Workshop ( Will Resume Post Pandemic) 

₹ 25000/-

Zoom Workshop 

₹ 15000/-


₹ 11000/-

▷ Meditation for Reiki Masters is practiced before attunement for improving energy.
▷ Reiki Master’s Attunement in conducted in multiple steps of healing using incense, crystal bell sounds etc.
▷ Reiki Master secrets method of quick energy boost while channelling energy.
▷ Attunement Symbols and Processes.
▷ Methods of increasing energy before attunements.
▷ Procedures of Attunement for Reiki Level 1
▷ Attunement for Reiki Level 2
▷Attunement for Reiki Level 3a
▷ Healing Attunement and Deeper Healing Insights
▷ Deeper self-healing procedure to be practiced on a daily basis.
▷ Karuna Reiki.
▷ Attunement for all Karuna Reiki Symbols.
▷ Evolution of Karuna Reiki
▷ Unique Techniques and Meditations of Karuna Reiki.
▷ Using the Karuna Reiki and Usui Reiki synergistically.

Certificates and Learning Material is provided to all participants.
➣ Handbooks and audio-video aids are provided for easy adaptation to the practice.
➣ PDF format documents will be provided in Zoom Workshops and Self-Learning.
➣ Attunements are practiced during the workshop.
➣ All videos of this level are Private on YouTube. They are shared only with the participant. Demonstrations, practice and guided meditation for self-healing are available in the videos.

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Reiki Grand Master

Duration (Breaks Included)

1 Day : 5 to 6 Hours.

Workshop Fees 

Offline Workshop ( Will Resume Post Pandemic) 

₹ 25000/-

Zoom Workshop 

₹ 15000/-


₹ 11000/-

▷ Attunements are only till Reiki Master. Reiki Grand master is a classroom guidance workshop only.
▷ The participants are guided on the process of How to Attune Reiki Masters.
▷ Evolution of reiki Healing and related topis are discussed.
▷ The Science of Making Symbols. How Symbols Work, How to make your own symbols.
▷ The formula making custom attunements for Specific Requirements is given.
▷ The practical usage of the formula is taught with the help of three attunements developed by Reiki Healing Foundation.
1. BuddhiKari Attunement: Mind enhancement attunement for learning and performance.
2. Samriddhi Attunement for good income, growth and prosperity.
3. Madhuram Attunement: For good relationships.
▷ How to heal a large group.
▷ A special arrangement grid for better channelling and convivence.

Certificates and Learning Material is provided to all participants.
➣ Handbooks and audio-video aids are provided for easy adaptation to the practice.
➣ PDF format documents will be provided in Zoom Workshops and Self-Learning.
➣ All videos of this level are Private on YouTube. They are shared only with the participant. Guidance on all topics, demonstrations and meditation for Reiki Master attunement are available in the videos.

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Duration (Breaks Included)

1 Day : 7 to Eight Hours.

Workshop Fees 

Offline Workshop ( Will Resume Post Pandemic) 

₹ 5100/-

Zoom Workshop 

₹ 3500/-


Not Available

▷ What is Dowsing
▷ Various instruments used in dowsing.
▷ Using the dowsing pendulum.
▷ Using motions of the pendulum for dowsing.
▷ Charts for Dowsing, How to Make your own charts.
▷ Checking state of energy with pendulum.
▷ Healing with a pendulum.
▷ Using the Bobber for sensitive dowsing.
▷ Using L Rods.
▷ Measuring Aura with L Rods.
▷ Finding object with L Rods.
▷ Using Dowsing in daily activities.

Certificates are provided to all participants.
➣ A set of Dowsing Charts is Provided to participants for practice.
➣ Instruments required for the workshop are to be procured by the participants. The instruments i.e. pendulum, bobber and L-Rods are made available on purchase request.
➣ Participants are encouraged to read Dowsing for Beginners by Richard Webster for a deeper comprehension.

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Crystal Healing

Duration (Breaks Included)

1 Day, 4 to 5 Hours

Workshop Fees 

Offline Workshop ( Will Resume Post Pandemic) 

₹ 3500/-

Zoom Workshop 

₹ 2100/-


Not Available

▷ Insight to Energy Body and Energy Healing.
▷ What Are Crystals.
▷ Various types of Crystals used for improving energy.
▷ Choosing Crystals.
▷ Crystals. Maintenance & Use.
▷ Various Methods of using Crystals for healing.
▷ Precautions while using crystals.
▷ Combining Crystal Healing with Reiki Healing.

© 2022 #BetterAll

Sqn Ldr Ashutosh Bahuguna

Reiki Grand Master

 Founder, PranaShakti Atma Upchaar

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